Remote Assistance & Remote Connect Improvements

Here are some suggestions for improved remote access to devices:
- Multiple Monitor Support
- When opening a remote connection windows have the organization and endpoint name identified (so you can identify an endpoint if you have multiple sessions open at once.
- Allow for sub accounts (free or charged). Allow for the addition of a sub account that would allow for "remote access only" that could be provided to customers for use.
- Allow for password autofill (if stored in custom field in OTT?)
- Auto-lock remote machine on disconnection.
- Expose Ctrl+Alt+Del without having to go under a menu.
- Remote printing.
- Drag and drop file transfer.
- Lock keyboard and mouse on remote side as needed (Is this Disable Input under Tools Menu? Could not find anything about this in documentation).
- Option to add small pop up on remote side to indicate a remote session is in process from support technician (that shows identifiable information).
- Chat Feature.
- Launch remote connection from one page (do not load a different web page in OTT control panel.
- Allow Shift+Arrow (multi-select) to work & Mouse Scroll Wheel.
- Remote connection from Android or IOS device.