Remote access control
Hello Team
If I'm not wrong, administrator can access to a machine linked to Optitune without confirmation by end User.
Is there any possibility, option to only allow access after user validation ?
Many thanks
If I'm not wrong, administrator can access to a machine linked to Optitune without confirmation by end User.
Is there any possibility, option to only allow access after user validation ?
Many thanks
Anyone have any idea ? is it possible to allow only access after End-User validation ?
Many thanx for any response.
Thanks for your quick feedback.
So if I mean, if I want to disable remote acces from Admin consol, I need to set the 1st field to "Disable" (see capture as below).
Then, any Admin could not access remotely, without End-User validation.
So, if any assistance needed, End User can use Request Remote Assistance from local machine and Admin can access to machine throug Remote support, is it correct ?