Return data

We need to collect some registry data, like Teamviewer IDs etc, from computers via a script.

Is there a way to push data back to an OptiTune Metadata userdefined field for each computer?


  • bravurasoftbravurasoft Redmond, WA
    A great suggestion, we will look into how we could implement this.

    For now, you would have to collect this data with powershell, and push it back to your own simple web service to process it (e.g. make an HTTP POST to a service you control).
  • Getting data back into OptiTune from scripts would be really useful. It would make integrating with other tools like Teamviewer and various Antivirus packages super easy.

    Scripts could just write to local registry. Then you could make OTService.exe check for changes to HKLM\Software\Wow6432\Bravura\Optitune\Fields\<user defined field name> and put it into the corresponding field for the computer on the website. The possibilities would be endless.

    Making dynamic groups being able to filter on user defined fields would then of course be the next request...
  • bravurasoftbravurasoft Redmond, WA
    Our initial thoughts would be that a script could call one of the OptiTune executables, with a switch like:

    OTService.exe /updatemeta "varname" "value"

    And this would update the metadata variable on the server for the given computer. Also, we may be able to define rules for metadata variables, such as, for variable X, get the value of HKLM\Software\Foobar [valuename] and store it there.

    The groups are already dynamic, but need to use static data such as computer name, domain name, os version, etc..., but that is another great suggestion!
  • Getting custom data back from computers, and using custom data in dynamic groups, are really the only things you need to implement for MSPs like us to be able to replace monstrosities like Kaseya or the RMM that must not be named (or at least can't make up its mind about its name - aka Automate/Labtech). With those two in place any missing features could be replaced by with Powershell and some creativity.
  • Did this ever get implemented?
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